Success Through People the Ultimate Formula

Jovvana Manzano
4 min readJan 17, 2022
Success Through People the Ultimate Formula

Success Through People

Success Through People

Date: 2018–09–04 15:27:13

Your Road Straight to Success:

You need people. That’s a fact. Developing your people skills is probably one of the wisest investments you could ever make for yourself.

Brilliant people who have already developed their people skills are already on their way to the top.

Others who have also realized the importance of improving people skills have built their businesses on helping individuals improve the way they relate to other people.

Success Through People

success through people

Examine the way you relate to people. How good are you when it comes to working with people? Do you listen carefully to others or do you do most of the talking?

Do you expect people to follow your command or do you create a win-win situation for parties concerned?

Improving your people skills starts with the right understanding of people. One of the keys to understanding human nature is frequent interaction with people.

This will certainly be a big boost in establishing great relationships with your boss, officemates, spouse, children, friends, relatives, etc.

These people can lift you in victory, or these same people can refuse to do so.

Why do people refuse to extend assistance?

Two of the major reasons why people refuse to extend support or assistance are the perceived fear of losing and the absence of gain.

Part of understanding human nature is to realize that most people always look after their welfare first before the welfare of others.

The fear of loss prevents people from extending assistance most especially if it involves money, confidence, health, time, energy, and security (not necessarily in that order!).

The trick then is to frame your request to minimize the fear of losing and emphasize the gains. Highlight the idea of winning and give assurance that losing is remote.

After you succeed in taking off the fear of losing, the next thing you need to do is to show the benefit they will gain from your offer.

Among people, the fear of losing is paramount over the benefit of gaining. With this in mind, the gains should be equal or greater than the perceived fear of loss.

Build a good reputation

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Another important factor in developing people skills is to have a good reputation.

In establishing good relations, people look at the reputation of the person making the offer.

So you achieve success through people.

Reputation is built on first impressions, and first impressions last.

With this, it is extremely important that you establish good impressions right at the very onset of the meeting.

With a good reputation, succeeding requests will sail through. It is easier to make a first good impression than correct a previous bad one.

The bottom line is this: To succeed in life, you have to develop your people skills. Part of this is understanding human nature and how people relate to each other.

You also have to practice interacting with a variety of personalities. Improve your people skills and increase your odds for success!

8 elements to success through people

Let’s take a short look at each of the model’s eight parts. Consider your team or company as we go through this process: what are your strengths and where can you improve?

Clear Vision and Strategy:

Successful firms have clear goals and make sure that everyone involved in the company is working towards them.

Effective leadership

Effective leadership must be achievement-focused, capable, authentic and personable, consultative, and consistent from both a task and a people standpoint.

Recruiting the Right People:

Successful companies look for people with the right talents, knowledge, and temperament. They also have well-defined plans and processes in place to aid in the recruitment and retention of top talent.

Setting Expectations:

Throughout the employee lifecycle, including position descriptions, recruitment, induction, performance reviews, recognition, and reward programs, successful firms create and reinforce clear expectations.

Being Accountable:

In addition to clearly defining expectations, the top firms cultivate a culture of accountability through KPIs/benchmarking, customer and staff surveys, and performance management and evaluation.

Educating Others:

Needs analysis, talent management, skills training, management training, and coaching should all be well-managed and tied to business results.

Managing Risk:

Long-term enterprises handle the risks of employment, such as succession planning, recruitment and retention, performance, health and safety, and adherence to Fair Work and other laws.

Valuing Others:

Effective firms recognize and value their employees’ contributions through recognition and incentive structures, opportunities for growth, performance motivation, and thank you notes.


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Success Through People

