Powerful Wealth and Prosperity Affirmations

Jovvana Manzano
13 min readMar 12, 2022


Powerful Wealth and Prosperity Affirmations

Powerful wealth and prosperity affirmations

Many people want to know if powerful wealth and prosperity affirmations can change their lives for the better.

In this article, I want to give you a guide on how to use powerful wealth and prosperity affirmations the right way so you can benefit from them.

So let me start with a very common question:

How do you manifest a lot of money?

One of the most effective ways o create money is to acknowledge and express thanks for the wealth you already have.

Raise your vibration and block any limiting ideas by welcoming the money and success that is on the way, even if you’re struggling to pay your bills.

Affirmations are a great vehicle for that because they help you train your mind to set the positive ideas on the way.

But there is more you should know to increase your chances to succeed. Keep reading.

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Powerful wealth and prosperity affirmations

In a distant land a long time ago, a young man once went into the forest in search of a great spiritual master.

When he found him, he addressed him in these terms: “ master, I wish to become immensely rich in order to come to the aid of the world by curing it of the evils which overwhelm it.

So what is the secret to prosperity and wealth? “

The master replied,” in the heart of every human being lives two goddesses: Serena, the goddess of knowledge and positive thinking, and Laura, the goddess of wealth.

Each of us is in love with these two supreme beings.

But there is a secret that you must know, and I will reveal it to you.

Although both of these goddesses are very dear to you, you need to pay more attention to Serena.

You must pursue her and love her relentlessly.

The more you care about Serena, the more jealous Laura will be and the more she will try to win you over.

It is by seeking the Goddess of Knowledge and Positive Thinking that you will attract and attach yourself to the Goddess of Wealth.

It will accompany you wherever you go and the fortune you want will be yours forever.

wealth and prosperity

Power affirmations for manifesting wealth and abundance

“Wealth is a positive word that only positive thinking can produce”

Being rich is one of the rewards of positive thinking.

Try to forget the idea that you have to suffer to get rich.

Prosperity is a state of thinking whereby everything you need comes to you effortlessly and everything you desire is spontaneously satisfied.

Know that you will increase your prosperity by increasing the number of positive ideas about money and wealth.

Making it fortune will follow you everywhere.

Your mind is a machine that can produce wealth as easily as poverty.

What you focus on is always increasing. If you focus on enjoying the money, you will only attract it.

If you focus on misery, your poverty will also increase.

It is therefore very important to accumulate in yourself as many good ideas as possible about the money coming from your readings, courses, seminars, conferences, conversations and other research or personal studies.

It’s up to you to work with his ideas in the form of day-to-day creative affirmations or visualization relentlessly.

Know that money is above all a thought which always follows the instructions that you give it in thought and through your words …

powerful wealth and prosperity affirmations

Imagine living in Wealth

The purpose of this exercise is to create positive feelings of prosperity within you and to accustom your consciousness to be able to have large sums of money.

And to acquire goods that you mistakenly believe you cannot have.

Remember that your subconscious makes no difference between reality and what you imagine to be true.

Provided that it produces in your sensations, feelings, emotions and vibrations of wealth.

The subconscious takes all your thoughts, ideas and images at face value as long as your feelings are similar to reality.

For example, if you imagine yourself driving the car of your dreams, he will believe it if you feel it as if it were true.

By playing this fun game, you will prepare vibrations that will be the nest of your wealth while removing all your negative feelings of fear and lack of money and goods that you want to acquire from you.

First, make a list of all the good things you want to have if you have a lot of money to buy them.

It could be the house, the car, the trip of your dreams …

Now imagine that an unexpected phone call comes to tell you that you have just received a big inheritance from a distant uncle who immigrated to Switzerland years ago and which everyone did not even know existed.

You are told that this inheritance amounts to more than five billion and that you will gradually receive it in accounts that will be opened for you in local banks at a regular rate of three hundred million per month, or nearly ten million per month. day…

You are now rich to be able to realize all your desires whatever they are provided that they are all positive for your good and the good of all.

That being said, Now you have to use a lot of imagination to live your day to day wealth even if it is an exercise as if it is reality.

Enter the game and pretend. ..But this discreetly without informing anyone.

Imagine all the sensations of pleasure produced by the realization of your desires and the fact that you can have whatever you want.

Spend more time there each day during your free time.

When you have done this exercise for a while, take stock and continue with perseverance until you feel things moving in you and around you …

manifestation magic

Wealth and prosperity tips

Always carry a big money bill with you in your wallet.

The rule is not to spend this ticket unless you replace it immediately.

So every time you look in your wallet, its presence will prevent you from thoughts of lack.

Another variation is to use fake money bills to put in your wallet or stick in your study or bedroom.

Get into the habit of counting and recounting your money every day

Have a notebook or make a notebook in the form of a treasure map where you will write and paste all the ideas and pictures related to your desire for wealth, and which you will consult all the time.

Reserve in this notebook or notebook, a part where you will do all your calculations of transfers, imaginary purchases, day by day as part of the exercise to imagine yourself rich.

List of Powerful wealth and prosperity affirmations

T ravaillez on one or more claims each day.

The best times are before bed, in the morning when you wake up, and when you are depressed or in doubt.

Write or say your affirmations several times in a row at least ten to twenty times.

Use your affirmations every day until you saturate your consciousness and convince it that what you are saying is true.

You will know this is the case if your mind reacts positively to them and you start to see the desired results around you.

Surround yourself with positive thinking friends. Avoid all those who spend their time complaining about everything and nothing.

If possible, hang out with wealthy and prosperous people and emulate their positive sides.

Watch your thoughts and words outside of your affirmation sessions to keep them on prosperity.

Make a list of the thousand and one things you want to be, do, and have, and include them in your affirmations. Regularly fix your attention on this list.

Above all, don’t forget to thank and have an attitude of permanent gratitude towards your inner creative source of all things good for you as if it already was.

Powerful wealth and prosperity affirmations

1. I deserve my prosperity and wealth

2. My business is the gold mine that contributes to my personal wealth, to that of my country and universal prosperity.

3. My gratitude to my inner God continually increases my prosperity and wealth no matter what I do.

4. Every money I spend comes back to me multiplied

5. I create and earn more money than I donate or spend

6. The more prosperous I make others, the more prosperous they make me

7. Some of the money I earn comes back to me and I save it

8. Every day I earn a lot of money whether I work, play or sleep.

9. All the money I invest comes back to me with a lot of profit

10. Part of my profits increases my investments and my bank accounts

11. I now have a positive financial situation

12. I now have a surplus consciousness

13. I like to be financially independent

14. More and more people like to pay me to do what I like

15. Life is full of good things which I now accept with gratitude

16. I like the pleasure I get from participating in the prosperity of the person who gives me money

17. My gratitude with the source of all good in me is enough to enrich me and produce a huge personal fortune for me

18. I give myself permission to get rich, to do and have what I want

19. I no longer need to believe the misconceptions of my parents and friends about wealth and money

20. The more prosperous I am, the more I am sharing my fortune.

21. Each year, the money I create and earn grows faster than my donations and expenses.

22. Life rewards me with its infinite prosperity

23. I like to express my prosperity and wealth

24. I now have a continual awareness of prosperity

25. I don’t necessarily have to work to earn a lot of money

26. Money tries to varnish at me. If I don’t prevent it, it really comes to me

27. People reward me with money just because I’m alive

28. I love money and all the benefits it allows me to have

29. I now permit myself to welcome fortune and large sums of money in millions and billions

30. I now have a lot of money counting on me

31. I am having money in abundance

32. I love the pleasure and the serenity I feel when I imagine having a lot of money which is multiplied every day.

33. I like the pleasure of contemplating in imagination the symbols of the $, the € and the CFA in gold letters

34. I am establishing a positive and fruitful relationship with money as its creator

35. I like to remember the times when I am receiving large sums of money

36. I love the pleasure I get when the cashiers give me handfuls of money in the banks

37. I love the pleasure I feel when I imagine myself counting and re-counting my bundles of bills

38. I like the pleasure and the serenity that I feel concentrating on the words “PROSPERITY-WEALTH-SILVER” stamped in gold letter

39. The fact of imagining myself possessing all the material riches that I desire gives me an extraordinary feeling of freedom and enthusiasm

40. Large sums of money are beginning to arrive in my great joy

41. I now feel comfortable with the largest sums of money in the millions and billions

42. I love the pleasure of seeing money, money everywhere

43. I like the pleasure of having in my possession credit cards, chequebooks and bank cards

44. I love the pleasure of seeing my wallet full of banknotes

45. I like the lifestyle and financial independence that comes from having enough money.

46. ​​I am in the process of definitively establishing my financial independence

47. My awareness of prosperity enables me to face all my daily challenges and needs

48. I am becoming a powerful thinker creating wealth and money around me

49. I take advantage of myself here now with my fortune

50. I am now having enough time, energy, ideas and money to fulfil all my desires.

51. I am gradually enjoying my fortune which is gradually being put in place

52. I am always in the right place at the right time successfully engaged in a good activity

53. I now receive assistance and cooperation from the people around me, helping me to enrich myself.

54. My days are now filled with physical and moral pleasures fruits of my inner and material riches

55. I now give and receive love and a lot of goods and money freely

56. The more I feel like a winner, the happier I am letting others win. The happier I am to let others win, the more I win. So I am always a winner.

57. I like to do what pleases me thanks to my inner and material riches.

58. Now I feel happy and always happy knowing that I am making money no matter what I do

59. Good things are around me and are constantly multiplying to my great happiness

60. Now I like to appreciate good things to receive even more.

61. I like myself very much in the presence of others whether I have money or not

62. Money follows my instructions like a slave in my service

63. Thanks to my positive thinking, now I am easily attracting money

64. I now consider money to be my close friend

65. Prosperity and money are giving me a lot of goods and well-being

66. I love the pleasure and the serenity I feel when I imagine myself with money on me and in my accounts which are increasing every day no matter what I do.

67. I am now receptive and open to money and large sums of money encrypted in millions and billions

68. My sources of money are more and more diversified

69. I love the pleasure of knowing that I can receive money and material goods from anywhere

70. Now I like to help others and they do me good

71. It is very easy and very simple to earn a lot of money

72. In a hurry the times are being favourable to my enrichment and the prosperity of my business

73. Golden opportunities are presenting themselves to me to enrich myself every day

74. Thousands of people around the world are getting richer whatever the conditions

75. There are hundreds of thousands of new millionaires appearing in the world every day.

76. Anyone Can Get Rich Easily Anytime With Positive Thinking

77. Now I know how to sell my particular talents which make me earn a lot of money and goods

78. Millions of people are making a living and getting rich thanks to my services and this only increases my own fortune.

79. I now know how to manage my wealth which is only growing

80. Spending is giving. I give and I receive a hundredfold

81. My clients pay well for my services at the best price for my great pleasure in seeing my fortune grow

82. When it comes to money, I have several strings to my bow and many wealth-producing ideas

83. I save a lot of money to others who return it to me

84. I am becoming a quiet and successful businessman

85. I love the pleasure of being discreetly rich

86. I love the pleasure of knowing that money calls money

87. I like the feeling of knowing that time is money

How many times should affirmations be repeated?

To get the most out of affirmations, start doing them on a regular basis and make it a habit:

Begin with exercising for 3 to 5 minutes at least twice a day.

For example, when you wake up and climb into bed, recite affirmations.

Each affirmation should be repeated 10 times.

Video: Powerful wealth and prosperity affirmations

Date: 2017–07–28 23:45:02

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We (YouAreCreators) created this channel to share one of the greatest secrets of the universe, and the secret is, we literally create our reality! (Quantum Physics now proves this)

We are all governed by a set of Universal Laws, and these laws were created by GOD, to aid us in creating the life we desire.

powerful wealth and prosperity affirmations

One of these laws is known as the “Law Of Attraction”, or the law of “Reaping and Sowing”.

This law simply states, whatever you give out in Thought, Word, Feeling, and Action is returned to us.

Whether the return is negative, or positive, failure or success, is all up to what you give out.

Many authors and celebrities such as Wayne Dyer, Oprah Winfrey, Will Smith, Jim Carrey, Steve Harvey, Rhonda Byrne, and many others have testified to this amazing Law Of Attraction.

It’s time you learn this wonderful secret…

Buda, Chamanismo, Reír, En Espera, Obesos, Bronce

Frequently Asked Questions

Can affirmations make you rich?

Campbell believes that affirmations not just make you feel much better about on your own, but additionally will make you richer. “The favourable affirmations truly help you.

They energize your energy,” Campbell claims. …

Well, for starters, all of us want to be around people that really feel excellent regarding themselves.

Exactly how can I attract cash promptly?

7 Actions to Bring In Wealth

— Believe you are worthy of joy.



Jovvana Manzano
Jovvana Manzano

Written by Jovvana Manzano

Law of Attraction and visualization researcher.

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